Upload Files

Upload your files and share them anywhere to get started

Earn Money
Earn Money

At Publicou, not only do you get secure and free cloud storage, but you can also earn money by sharing your documents. Upload your valuable files and earn money each time someone accesses them.

Live Statistic
Live Statistic

At Publicou, you can earn money by sharing your documents, and we provide live statistics to keep you updated on your earnings. Upload your valuable files and track real-time views and earnings as people access your content.

Simple Upload
Simple Upload

At Publicou, earning money from your documents is as easy as a simple upload. Just share your valuable files, and earn money every time someone accesses them.

24 / 7 Support
24 / 7 Support

At Publicou, making money from your documents is effortless. Upload your files and start earning with every access. We provide a straightforward upload process and live earnings statistics, all backed by our dedicated 24/7 support team.

Huge Servers
Huge Servers

At Publicou, maximizing your earnings is easy with our robust infrastructure. Upload your documents to our powerful servers and start earning money every time they're accessed.

Our Features

Publicou offers secure cloud storage with AES-256 encryption, easy drag-and-drop uploads, and real-time earnings tracking. Share files with customizable privacy settings and access 24/7 support. Enjoy a user-friendly experience on any device and scale your storage with free or premium plans.

How it Works

Sign up for a free Publicou account and easily upload your files with our drag-and-drop feature. Share your files using generated download links and start earning money each time someone accesses them. Track your earnings in real-time through your dashboard, and access 24/7 support whenever you need help. It’s that simple!


Upload Your Files

Ready to start earning with Publicou? Follow these simple steps to upload your files


Share Download Link

Share your files and boost your earnings


Earn Money

You earn money each time someone views or downloads your files. The more popular your files are, the more you earn!


Clear up your doubts here

Yes, you can earn money with Publicou! Here’s how it works:

**1. Upload Your Documents: Share your valuable files on our platform.

**2. Earn from Access: Each time someone views or downloads your documents, you earn money. The more access your files receive, the more you can earn.

**3. Track Earnings: Our platform provides live statistics so you can monitor your earnings in real time.

**4. Payment: Earnings are accumulated in your account, and you can withdraw your money based on our payment policies.

Start uploading your documents today, and turn your files into a source of income with Publicou!

At Publicou, you have full control over who can access your files. Here’s how access works:

**1. **Your Control: ** You decide who can view or download your documents. You can set privacy and sharing permissions according to your preferences.

**2. Shared Files: If you choose to share a file with others, only those with whom you’ve shared the file will be able to access it. You can manage sharing settings at any time.

**3. Account Security: Access to your account and files is protected by your login credentials. Ensure that your password is secure and consider enabling two-factor authentication (2FA) for added security.

**4. Publicou Team: Our team does not access or view your files unless required for specific support requests, and only with your consent.

**5. Legal Requests: In rare cases, access may be provided if required by law or legal processes. We will notify you if such a situation arises.

Rest assured, your privacy and control over your files are our top priorities.

No, you do not need to pay to upload your documents to Publicou. Our basic cloud storage service is completely free, allowing you to upload and store your files without any cost.

If you wish to access additional features, increased storage, or enhanced capabilities, you have the option to upgrade to a premium plan. However, uploading and sharing your documents to start earning is available at no charge. Enjoy the flexibility and security of Publicou without the initial cost!

Absolutely! At Publicou, your security is our top priority. Here's how we ensure your data is protected:

1. Advanced Encryption: We use AES-256 encryption to safeguard your files both during upload and while stored on our servers. This is one of the highest standards in data protection.

2. Secure Servers: Our massive servers are equipped with the latest security features to prevent unauthorized access and ensure your data remains safe.

3. Two-Factor Authentication: For added security, we offer two-factor authentication (2FA) to protect your account from unauthorized access.

4. 24/7 Monitoring: Our systems are monitored around the clock to detect and address any potential security threats promptly.

5. Privacy Controls: We provide robust privacy settings so you can control who has access to your documents.

With these measures in place, you can trust Publicou to keep your files secure while you focus on earning and sharing!

Withdrawal Methods